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System messages - Character Wiki

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Name Default message text
Current message text
exif-orientation-1 (Talk)Normal
exif-orientation-2 (Talk)Flipped horizontally
exif-orientation-3 (Talk)Rotated 180°
exif-orientation-4 (Talk)Flipped vertically
exif-orientation-5 (Talk)Rotated 90° CCW and flipped vertically
exif-orientation-6 (Talk)Rotated 90° CCW
exif-orientation-7 (Talk)Rotated 90° CW and flipped vertically
exif-orientation-8 (Talk)Rotated 90° CW
exif-originaldocumentid (Talk)Unique ID of original document
exif-originalimageheight (Talk)Height of image before it was cropped
exif-originalimagewidth (Talk)Width of image before it was cropped
exif-originaltransmissionref (Talk)Original transmission location code
exif-personinimage (Talk)Person depicted
exif-photometricinterpretation (Talk)Pixel composition
exif-photometricinterpretation-2 (Talk)RGB
exif-photometricinterpretation-6 (Talk)YCbCr
exif-pixelxdimension (Talk)Image height
exif-pixelydimension (Talk)Image width
exif-planarconfiguration (Talk)Data arrangement
exif-planarconfiguration-1 (Talk)chunky format
exif-planarconfiguration-2 (Talk)planar format
exif-pngfilecomment (Talk)PNG file comment
exif-preferredattributionname (Talk)When re-using this work, please credit
exif-primarychromaticities (Talk)Chromaticities of primarities
exif-provinceorstatecreated (Talk)Province or state that the picture was taken in
exif-provinceorstatedest (Talk)Province or state shown
exif-rating (Talk)Rating (out of 5)
exif-rating-rejected (Talk)Rejected
exif-referenceblackwhite (Talk)Pair of black and white reference values
exif-relatedsoundfile (Talk)Related audio file
exif-rightscertificate (Talk)Rights management certificate
exif-rowsperstrip (Talk)Number of rows per strip
exif-samplesperpixel (Talk)Number of components
exif-saturation (Talk)Saturation
exif-saturation-0 (Talk)Normal
exif-saturation-1 (Talk)Low saturation
exif-saturation-2 (Talk)High saturation
exif-scenecapturetype (Talk)Scene capture type
exif-scenecapturetype-0 (Talk)Standard
exif-scenecapturetype-1 (Talk)Landscape
exif-scenecapturetype-2 (Talk)Portrait
exif-scenecapturetype-3 (Talk)Night scene
exif-scenecode (Talk)IPTC scene code
exif-scenetype (Talk)Scene type
exif-scenetype-1 (Talk)A directly photographed image
exif-sensingmethod (Talk)Sensing method
exif-sensingmethod-1 (Talk)Undefined
exif-sensingmethod-2 (Talk)One-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-3 (Talk)Two-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-4 (Talk)Three-chip color area sensor
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